Friday 12 June 2015

Poem can express the feeling

The poem is an art in which you can express your feeling with others. It is the form in which we can use different sound rhyming words and a quality language in which you can capture the attention of kids and adults as well. Poet use this healthy activity to convey a message and give them to chance to kids to learn more and new things from them. This is not an easy task for anyone to illustrate his emotions to others peoples and make them healthy active beneficial for kids. With the progress of technology, we can see the every person access Tv and internet kids watch these poems and take too much interest  in them to make some fun with them and kids poem are known as the most important factor of kids' development. Now it is the responsibility of parents to check those programs which the kids use in their daily life. If there is anything which the parents think that it is not good for their kids then prevent them from this type of bad programs because it will spoil your kids health. Language differs in the wealth of their kids. Children are attracted towards poems due to rhymes it consist of two types of sound one is hard rhyme and one is soft rhyme. Soft rhymes consist of easy words which are easy to understand  and second rhymes contain difficult words which contain difficult meaning and kids did not understand the meanings of that particular word so parents spend time with kids and use this healthy activity to understand them the new words which helps them in their future. In poems there is one thing which made them creative and enjoyable for kids is alliteration. This is used for the repetition of words and letter sound at the beginning of words immediately succeeding each other others in very short interval of time. Alliteration and poetry play a key role to make a poems productive and it carries a attentions of kids and others peoples.

There is a lot poetry form in which you can describe your words. The most common and popular form among the all ages is a sonnet, which is developed in the 13th century the first poem was contained fourteen lines following a set rhyme scheme and logical structure. It is associated with love poetry and it is based on vivid imaginary world. The most famous poet of this form is Shakespeare.

Another other and most famous form of poetry is the Epic form which contains major narrative literature. This form is only used in lengthy poem or important nature of culture of the time. While the compositions of this form are only for long poem generally. This form is less famous in the years 20th century, but the notable epics have continued to be written by Derek Walcoot due to his performance he won a Nobel prize.  

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