Thursday 18 June 2015

Kids can use funny cartoons to make some fun

If you want to express your feeling or thoughts with others, then cartoon is the medicine to expand yourself. Kids love to watch the comic strip there are some different type of cartoon which the kid want to watch them like Motu patlu, pink panther and much more. Kids watch these cartoons to make some fun with others and refresh their mind using this activity. If we can say that only kids can watch cartoons and they can enjoy cartoons then it is wrong. We have known that we are living in a chaotic place in which every person facing his own tension and he is some kind of tension and depression. When they watch cartoons they feel fresh and they stuff can get back the smile back of adults and kids aw well. There are some parents who are not in favor of cartoons because the stuff which is used in cartoons are not good for kids and in future these cartoon causes many problems for parents as well as their kids. All cartoons are not in the same stuff because there are some cartoons which are used to help the development of a kid and they carry a message of social awareness.

The popularity of these comic strips are increasing and in these days cartoons are shown in everywhere in markets, newspaper and in books. Parents want that a portion of book and magazine contain the data of cartoons, kids watch and learn from them.  It is the responsibility of the writer that when he write a cartoon, she write according to the mind level of kids and he use only those words which they can understand them easily. Every character has its own specification that in what time he describe his message which are used in his.

These cartoons are used to build a strong confidence on kids and tells them how you can protect yourself from this problem. It is not easy for parents to teach them to fight against, these educational cartoons made it very easy profession for parents and teachers. Another problem for kids, which they are facing on every single day is that there are a lot of words which are new for our kids and they did not understand the meaning of that particular word, cartoons done it very easy job for them to teach them the new words as well. It is a not an easy job to teach them a new word with kind of any help and this activity done it without spending a lot of time with their kids. 

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