Sunday 21 June 2015

How cartoons are helpful for the kids development?

The dream world in which you can describe your thoughts known as a cartoon. They are found in everywhere in schools, buses, on the T-shirts of kids and newspapers as well. Kids like to enjoy funny cartoons because they want to create some fun with other friends and their parents. This healthy activity is used to make a kid creative which helps him in his future. When a cartoonist describes his emotions, then he wants to express his ideas and there is something which is new for kids from which these can learn something new. Every cartoonist has its own view in which he shares his emotion via cartoons.
Kids attracts towards cartoons due to fun and the new colors which is used in comic strip can be a good thing for the kids development and if we say that these activities is only made for kids than it's not true because all people of this universe can use this medicine for making some fun also relief from stress. There are some cartoons like Motu Patlu which contain some messages in them it is good for kids because they can enjoy and learn from this activity. The best thing about this activity is kids know about the things that what is good or bad for their health. Parents use this activity to improve the language, speech and
build a good vocabulary. When they take part with their kids, they remember their old memories which are carried away with their adulthood. Many parents are not happy with their kids because they spend a lot of time with this activity, but the parents of the kids think that these cartoons did not contain a good stuff which are good for their kids. When parents saw the good changes in kids then they realize that how good these cartoons for kids. There are some kids who feel some shy to speak English or they did not compete with other kids to read or write about something, cartoons help those kids and they build a confidence that how they can face this all world. Watching cartoons are the best healing exercise for those kids who are sick in bed. The teacher uses this activity to relate these cartoons with their book lesson kids love them a lot and they can understand these new concepts very easily.

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