Monday 27 July 2015

How cartoons can plays a vital role on the development kids?

Kids is a unique gift from god. They are so passionate to watch cartoons and make some fun with their family members. In these days we can see that cartoons are in everywhere like textbooks, in cinemas and the most appropriate way is a television which is a best way to give a strong message to all kids and adults as well. In this universe we can see that there are different type of people are living and every single person has its own liking and disliking some of the kids are so passionate to see funny cartoons like Motu Patlu cartoons and pink panther, which make the kids happy and these types of comic strips are used to make the kids forget all the tension and also give the a spirit to solve them very easily. Every single passing day the popularity of the cartoons are increasing in adults as well as in kids due to this reason kids spend a huge amount of time with cartoons. Many parents are so worried when they saw that their kids are watching cartoons because they thinks that their kids are wasting their time to watch these cartoons. After the interval of time when they saw some good changes with their kids then, they are very happy with this activity. When a writer wants to express his new ideas or he want to give a new message to kids then he use this wonderful activity to capture the attention of kids, which help kids to learn from this activity very easily  in no interval of time.
 In this world we can easily judge that every single person in this world should face some kind of problems due to which they lost their smiles and also their mind are in some kind of stress. It has now become a major problem in all over the world. Depression and stress are the major source of several diseases like constant fatigue, headache, heart attack and some other major issues. Funny cartoons are the medicine to forget all the tensions. They are more enjoyable than any more entertaining than the movie or film and the best thing about this activity is that they can be watched by the whole family members there is no age limit to see such these type of cartoons. These funny cartoons are intended to convince to kids as well as adults in a way that they might feel the issues and understand the conditions according to the opinion of the cartoonist. The technology has been progressing  so much now kids love to watch all those cartoons which are in 2D or in 3D print. These high quality of cartoons image can be very effective on a kid’s mind because they attract towards cartoons due to colors, music and the new ideas which enhance the beauty of the cartoons.
Another the most famous activity is drawing cartoons. Kids make so fun when they draw cartoons. It is one of the amazing hobby for kids to spend time with them. Kids can spend a huge amount of time
on making cartoons and also learn from them. Learning how to draw cartoons for kids can be a fun if they make it a hobby. There are some kids who take so much interest on this activity which helps them to build his imagination strong and healthy. Learning how to draw cartoons for kids does not take education it depends on your kids talent. Now it is the responsibility of parents that how they enhance their kids talent. Parents should give them a full opportunity to kids and encourage them to practice this activity on a regular basis. This is a better exercise to all kids, which improve their imagination, creativity and also they can increase their knowledge using them. Guide them to your kid that how he can draw the cartoon character in beginning  when he is drawing the cartoon.

Sunday 21 June 2015

How cartoons are helpful for the kids development?

The dream world in which you can describe your thoughts known as a cartoon. They are found in everywhere in schools, buses, on the T-shirts of kids and newspapers as well. Kids like to enjoy funny cartoons because they want to create some fun with other friends and their parents. This healthy activity is used to make a kid creative which helps him in his future. When a cartoonist describes his emotions, then he wants to express his ideas and there is something which is new for kids from which these can learn something new. Every cartoonist has its own view in which he shares his emotion via cartoons.
Kids attracts towards cartoons due to fun and the new colors which is used in comic strip can be a good thing for the kids development and if we say that these activities is only made for kids than it's not true because all people of this universe can use this medicine for making some fun also relief from stress. There are some cartoons like Motu Patlu which contain some messages in them it is good for kids because they can enjoy and learn from this activity. The best thing about this activity is kids know about the things that what is good or bad for their health. Parents use this activity to improve the language, speech and
build a good vocabulary. When they take part with their kids, they remember their old memories which are carried away with their adulthood. Many parents are not happy with their kids because they spend a lot of time with this activity, but the parents of the kids think that these cartoons did not contain a good stuff which are good for their kids. When parents saw the good changes in kids then they realize that how good these cartoons for kids. There are some kids who feel some shy to speak English or they did not compete with other kids to read or write about something, cartoons help those kids and they build a confidence that how they can face this all world. Watching cartoons are the best healing exercise for those kids who are sick in bed. The teacher uses this activity to relate these cartoons with their book lesson kids love them a lot and they can understand these new concepts very easily.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Why Motu Patlu cartoons are famous in everwhere?

Cartoons are the backbone of our kids, they love so much and they are passionate about them. When kids come from school they feel stress and a lot of burden for their schools. Parents use this activity in active the brain of their children and they make fun with them and also there are different kind of words which are new for kids and they did not understand the meaning of that particular word, then these comic strips do it very easy job for all parents as well as the kids to understand them with these new words. Every kid has its own imagination in which he lives and he thinks. When his love cartoons, then he does the same activities which his favorite characters are doing in these cartoons.  
Every person has its own choice like some kids are passionate about funny cartoons e.g MotuPatlu cartoon in which a kid can make some laughs and these cartoons we can watch with our family. The most important thing is that there is no age restriction to watch these funny cartoons. There are some kids who love to see some adventure cartoons like Dragon Ball Zcartoons with these cartoon kids can take messages from these comic strips that who we can differentiate between the good and bad things and in whom you can fight against the evil things. It is not an easy task for the cartoonist to give an impression that what is going on in over the world in a funny ways from which we can understand our mistakes and also cover them with this activity. Teachers use these cartoons to build a strong vocabulary of kids among them this is a useful activity which helps kids in their future for a good job.
Cartoons are famous in everywhere we can see that in print media, magazines and also on the books. Parents want that a portion of a book contain on these healthy activities because kids take a lot of interest on them and these cartoons are very helpful for those kids who want to gathering information from the cartoons. It is the responsibility of the writer that how he give a message to our kids.

Kids can use funny cartoons to make some fun

If you want to express your feeling or thoughts with others, then cartoon is the medicine to expand yourself. Kids love to watch the comic strip there are some different type of cartoon which the kid want to watch them like Motu patlu, pink panther and much more. Kids watch these cartoons to make some fun with others and refresh their mind using this activity. If we can say that only kids can watch cartoons and they can enjoy cartoons then it is wrong. We have known that we are living in a chaotic place in which every person facing his own tension and he is some kind of tension and depression. When they watch cartoons they feel fresh and they stuff can get back the smile back of adults and kids aw well. There are some parents who are not in favor of cartoons because the stuff which is used in cartoons are not good for kids and in future these cartoon causes many problems for parents as well as their kids. All cartoons are not in the same stuff because there are some cartoons which are used to help the development of a kid and they carry a message of social awareness.

The popularity of these comic strips are increasing and in these days cartoons are shown in everywhere in markets, newspaper and in books. Parents want that a portion of book and magazine contain the data of cartoons, kids watch and learn from them.  It is the responsibility of the writer that when he write a cartoon, she write according to the mind level of kids and he use only those words which they can understand them easily. Every character has its own specification that in what time he describe his message which are used in his.

These cartoons are used to build a strong confidence on kids and tells them how you can protect yourself from this problem. It is not easy for parents to teach them to fight against, these educational cartoons made it very easy profession for parents and teachers. Another problem for kids, which they are facing on every single day is that there are a lot of words which are new for our kids and they did not understand the meaning of that particular word, cartoons done it very easy job for them to teach them the new words as well. It is a not an easy job to teach them a new word with kind of any help and this activity done it without spending a lot of time with their kids. 

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Cartoons are used to make the brain active of our kids

In modern days cartoons are known as a source of an entertainment. When we hear a word cartoon there is a some kind of excitement in our mind that is some kind of funny character or a humorous image. In this world every kids is passionate to see cartoons and he is in such an excitement in which he can see his favorite character. Kids love to watch cartoons and they make some fun when they watch their favorite cartoons, e.g Motu Patlu cartoon is the one of the funniest cartoons and kids love to see them, because in these types of cartoon there is some hidden message for kids which helps them to improve their language skills and in future if there is any kind of trouble come to his life then he is ready for that. One of the most important popular and powerful visual medium of these days in television, which is used to solve the problems of our kids and also they use to capture the attention of kids towards themselves.

On the other hand, there are many parents who are not in favor of these poems or cartoons, because there are some cartoons which contains not useful data for kids and these cartoons may a bad impact on kids mind. It is the responsibility of parents that they check all the data which are using their kids if there is any bad stuff involve they stop them without an interval of time. Due to this reason there a lot of societies have been limited access to see such a this type of medium, but there are some
societies in which they are known as the backbone and still being used in different ways. The 80’s century known as the best century for the cartoons prospective because cartoons carries a message which made a good impact on kids mind. It has the one of the most effective means of communication with humans.
In my opinion, it is the responsibility of the writer that he should write only those scripts for cartoons which is good for the health of kids. He has been writing according to the mind level of cartoons because there are lots of new words which are used in cartoons, but kids did not understand the meaning of that particular word  so the funny comics do it very easy job for those parents who spend hours on their kids to understand the meaning of that new word. These single new words make your kids ideal from others and make his mind unique from all of the other kids.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Why kids love with Motu Patlu cartoons?

Cartoons are the voice of the heart in which you can describe the feeling of your heart, expressions and thoughts with other kids as well as adults. Kids love cartoons because they have some funny stuff due to which they laugh and active their body using this healthy activity. There are different pattern of cartoons in which the cartoonist describes his thoughts, or some good information through cartoons. It is very necessary for cartoonist that he remembers the kids mind level and he adds some educational or informational stuff as well which help in the development. This data will help them in kids future and make the kids creative. These days we can see that the technology has been progressing so much every person has access to T.v and internet on their own houses, kids watch their favorite cartoon character like Motu Patlu , pink panther on their homes due to these reasons cartoons use to deliver a strong message to kids. Parents use this activity to make the brain of their kids strong and using cartoons it is an ideal way for parents to teach them a new a creative things which make them superior from all other kids. Research predict that cartoons plays an important role on kids development. So writer use this activity when they want to deliver a messages to all kids. parents use this favorite cartoon characters on the t shirt, birthday, and some other occasion due to which he feel some imaginary power come to his body like his favorite cartoon character.

Another famous creativity among kids is cartoon drawing. There are a lot of kids who are passionate 
to make a drawing of their famous characters and these kids started their drawing careers at very small age. It is the responsibility of parents that they should check their kids that what is the need of
their kids and in which thing he shows interest in them. Kids can make their cartoons attractive and colors. While making cartoons you should gathering inspiration from what you see around you. Teacher also take more attention of that particular kids because these kids are special and the imagination of these kids make them superior then all kids. In this activity the imagination power of your kids is very strong because kids go deeply in this cartoon the he made this drawing. Kids can make expert of this activity if they do a lot of practice and they can made it a profitable profession. This work is very enjoyable also they can make money with facing any trouble.

Monday 15 June 2015

Cartoons animation is used to express your feelings to others

Cartoons are in the illustration form and it is used to coveys a message to the viewers.  These cartoons are used to make us laugh. It shows a great impact on kids mind. There are many kids who are passionate about cartoons they can refresh their mind using them. There are some funny characters how acts some uncommon or abnormal activities which make a kids laugh at them. Every day by the popularity of cartoons are increasing in all over the world. These cartoons are used in these days of print media and electronic media. Cartoonist use these cartoons to convey a message to others or using them to give a news to kids. These small kids use these comic to make their mind active and learn a new a creative them which make them a healthy kid. Every cartoonist has its own view that who he wants to describe his message to others.
Another famous form of cartoons in these days, which the kids are so passionate about these cartoons are animation cartoons. It is the process of linking a series in which we can simulate the cartoon together. It is the combination by two arts cartoonist and animators. This cartoon animation shows a great impact on all the film industry. The cartoonist draws an object and give the small illusion of movement which change the entire series in a very quick time. In modern these days the technology has been progressing so much in which an animator can transform his fictional world into the real world. It is the new face of entertainment use this hobby into various purposes. It is considered as the one of the most progressing form of art in which the kids can enjoy a lot and learn something new. The one of the most famous animation is all over the world is computer animation in which the entertaining expression based on a story. These cartoons are used to give a new concept in all over the world to use these new concepts which help them in their future. Kids love to watch this  animation, cartoons and they learn new creative things from them. The popularity of these cartoons is increasing day by day and the latest 3D animation which are used in widely form and the layers of these animations are created by computers. The  3D animation, cartoons Pink Panther cartoons, Dargon Ball Z is the best example of the animation.